Library announcement September 2k21
New torrent, new libraries, onion services, library IRL AFK, and more!
Summer 2019 announcement, Dutch language library
Welcome to The Anarchist Library. Summer 2019 message
A response letter, 10 years later and torrent announcement
June 2018 announcement — The Anarchist Library
Electronic Mail and Internet Relay Chat:
January 17th, 2018 (Spanish library)
September 2016 announcement (September 16th, 2017)
Library torrent (January 2016) [newer torrent available above]
An update from the Anarchist Library: Fall 2015
Getting old? or just the weather...
October 4, 2014: a shiny new library
August 18, 2013. Server up again
June 20, 2012: Solidarity to the comrades struck by the operation “Ardire”
May 25, 2012: Torrent released
Announcing a new feature: the book builder
The Anarchist Library on Torrent released!
Library announcement September 2k21
New torrent, new libraries, onion services, library IRL AFK, and more!
Kindest greetings from the library project. There are some new announcements that we would like to share with you.
New libraries
We would like to announce the launch of three new library projects:
Southeast Asian Anarchist Library: (multiple languages: English, Bahasa Indonesia & Melayu, Tagalog, Bisaya, ภาษาไทย, Tiếng Việt, 中文, မြန်မာစာ, ພາສາລາວ, ភាសាខ្មែរ )
Announcement for the Southeast Asian Anarchist Library:
Korean Anarchist Library:
Greek Anarchist Library: (only one text up currently, works in progress)
Tor Onion Services
When using the Tor Browser, the onion addresses will automatically load for libraries we host. Having an onion address like this means that your connection never leaves the Tor network, from departure to arrival (Exit nodes are the end point of the Tor tunnel that goes back to “clearnet”. Our onion address is hanging out in that tunnel). You can read more about it here (and suggest you bookmark the specific Tor link as well):
On September 2, 2021 a new torrent was released from the library that includes all the texts and formats as of the release date wrapped up into a 3.5gb file (English language project only). Download and seed the magnet link with your preferred Torrent client here:
The library also released a HTML offline version of everything via the ZIM file format with the snapshot taken on April 2, 2021. It’s a little outdated at this point, but idea of sharing easily accessible file of everything, seems pretty useful. Hope to update it in the future and have more frequent releases.
(without images) 180MB (with images) 450MB Instructions: Open ZIM file using software like: or read more about ZIM here:
The Anarchist Library will be in real life | away from keyboard this coming October 2, 2021! We are going to have a table of free zines printed from the library and curated by us at the New York City Anarchist Bookfair (or is it book fair?). Come say hello and grab a free zine! We’re trying to share all the possibilities of printing and sharing anarchist texts from the library.
For 13+ years and counting of The Anarchist Library project has been funded by the participants, largely in part by one person. Recently, some participants and users of the project have asked how they can help support the cost of maintaining the library, which is hosted on our own infrastructure that we maintain. We asked our friends at Little Black Cart to help setup a donation page for us, with everything going to library project. Help us out if you’d like at the following link:
The Anarchist Library – Little Black Cart (Unfortunately for the time being International donations cannot be accepted, but perhaps a method will be devised to allow for them in the future.)
Social Media stuff:
The library has an official social media account over on the self-hosted Anarchy Planet Pleroma instance here: We share more frequent updates there and occasional new and old texts published on the library that we find intriguing.
There is also a Twitter page, that used to be a robot retweeting new things, but is now curated by a human:
Twitter page of the Southeast Asian Anarchist Library
As usual
You can add new texts to the library here. You can also edit each text on the library if you find any errors and would like to help out. No username or login required.
If the library is ever down, you can find a mirror of the project here.
If you can help mirror the project, it would be nice to have more mirrors of all the projects available as old mirrors have disappeared.
Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
You can find the library on Internet Relay Chat(IRC) by pointing your favorite IRC client to:
channel: #library server: port 6667 port 6697 (SSL) iofdnzyvag7ncw63.onion port 6667 || 6697 Or via the web client: Electronic Mail e-mail:
Summer 2019 announcement, Dutch language library
Welcome to The Anarchist Library. Summer 2019 site info.
Announcing the Dutch language library, found here Anarchistische bibliotheek
Welcome to The Anarchist Library. Summer 2019 message
You can add new texts to the library here. You can also edit each text on the library if you find any errors and would like to help out. No username or login required.
If the library is ever down, you can find a recent backup at this mirror:
You can find the English library Internet Relay Chat (IRC) at our new home by pointing your favorite IRC client to: #library — port 6667 port 6697 (SSL)
iofdnzyvag7ncw63.onion port 6667 || 6697
Or via the web client:
Electronic Mail
Social Media:
The Anarchist Library English language on Twitter. A Twitter robot tweets the newest text updates from the library twice per day:
The torrent, Jan 2019 or
A response letter, 10 years later and torrent announcement
An Anarchist Librarian From North America’s Letter: 10 Years Later
June 2018 announcement — The Anarchist Library
You can add new texts to the library here. You can also edit each text on the library if you find any errors and would like to help out. No username or login required.
If the library is ever down, you can find backups at these mirrors:
Electronic Mail and Internet Relay Chat:
You can find the English library Internet Relay Chat (IRC) at our new home by pointing your favorite IRC client to: #library —
Or via the web client:
Social Media:
Some silly stuff here — a Twitter robot tweets the newest text updates from the English language Library twice per day:
Previous announcements:
can be read here:
January 17th, 2018 (Spanish library)
Se ha publicado el texto «Viviendo mi vida», la autobiografía de Emma Goldman que fue recuperada a partir de dos PDFs en Scribd y rescatado por “Anarquismo en PDF”. La transcripción se hizo con la ayuda de Biblioteca Aukan.
De seguro el libro contiene erratas, por lo que te agradecemos si te das un tiempo y nos las puedes reportar, ya sea editando tú misma/o (dentro de la página del libro y luego click en el antepenúltimo icono “Edita este texto”) o enviándonos las correcciones al mail biblioanarquista [arroba] riseup [punto] net.
Como con todos los textos publicados en esta biblioteca, están disponibles varios formatos de descarga como PDF, ePub y otros. Recuerda también que lejos de quedar solo como libros electrónicos, tienes la posibilidad de imprimirlo y hacer tus propias versiones del libro para tu propia lectura, distribución o lo que se te ocurra.
Para esto último, puedes aprovechar la potencia del Creador de libros para el cual hace poco se ha creado y traducido un tutorial. Para este libro, lo más probable es que quieras crear dos libros, uno para cada “tomo” del libro (o también puedes imprimirlo en un solo volumen si prefieres, pero son alrededor cerca de mil páginas). El creador de libros no solo sirve para copias que vayan a ser impresas, sino que también puedes experimentar para crear tu propia versión digital. Si tienes dudas, siempre nos puedes contactar a través de mail, donde te podremos ayudar u orientar en lo que quieras hacer.
Además, ha visto la luz una nueva biblioteca hermana, esta vez en francés y disponible en Puedes visitar el resto de bibliotecas en otros idiomas en el menú “Otros idiomas”.
September 2016 announcement (September 16th, 2017)
Announcing the Anarchist Library in the Danish language!
You can still find all of the libraries on torrent here, along with the magnet link. The previous announcements are located over on the wiki.
September 24th, 2016
Library torrent (January 2016) [newer torrent available above]
From the depths of January 2016 comes a new torrent of all 8 languages (including Swedish and German libraries for the first time) currently on The Anarchist Library. This torrent includes all of the various formats including plain PDF, A4 imposed PDF, letter imposed PDF, ePUB, HTML, XeLaTeX, plain text source, and source files with attachments that make reading texts from the library easily digestible on various mediums.
You can find the torrent file here:
And the magnet link here.
This is a snapshot of the anarchist libraries as seen on January 18, 2016. If you are unfamiliar with torrents or don’t have a favourite client, two options are qBittorrent and Transmission among the many.
Each archive is packaged as an ISO image. If you don’t know exactly what to do with an ISO image, please visit: The library torrent for our how-to guide. You can mount the files on your computer to keep a copy of the library permanently (forever!), extract the files to another location, put them on your e-reader, or burn the ISO image to a set of discs that one could use to start a distro for example.
If you encounter any problem with this distribution or have other
questions and comments about the library, please feel free to join the
IRC channel #anarchistlibrary
on Freenode servers or via web browser
In other library news, the book builder feature has seen a huge update and is now more powerful than ever. These include:
running headers
cropmarks (this allows those of you who want to trim booklet the ability to do so with precision. It’s also another step along the way for giving users the ability to start their own distro of wonderful anarchist literature.)
custom paper size (and B series)
new imposition schemas
And finally, thanks to Let’s encrypt, all eight of the libraries now have valid SSL certificates, which means warning free https among other things.
October 6th, 2015
An update from the Anarchist Library: Fall 2015
Getting old? or just the weather...
Greetings from the labyrinths of the library. The anarchist library project has been aging slowly with time and brushing the dust off of its pages by forking out into new and exciting paths. The project now provides texts in eight different languages. The German and Swedish language libraries are the most recent additions. The project also offers libraries in the Serbo-Croatian, Macedonian, Finnish, Russian, Spanish, and the English languages. As always, your participation in this project by helping upload and edit texts of interest to you is what helps make the archives wonderful.
If you are interested in starting a new library in your native language (or one that you are highly fluent in), please contact us via email or by dropping by the IRC chat. We are willing to provide full support to help get your library project up and running.
IRC: (IRC etiquette means that we are not always there and often AFK IRL, so please have patience)
Social Media:
The library has also recently made a Twitter robot that automatically tweets out the newest editions and edits to the world. It’s still in the beta stages, so please bear with it as a small foray into the world of robots and social media.
In other social media news, some of you may know that the library started a Facebook page years ago as well. It seems that this page, while generally disdained and neglected (and even hated) for some years by the librarians – has somehow become really popular. It now has almost 6,000 members in the public group (is this something to celebrate?). The page is meant as a tool for discussion and sharing of anarchist texts and not as a place for posting memes or heating up sectarian issues. (it’s behind a wall and you must be logged in to view + added to group by mods)
In place of having a torrent as we have done before in the past, friends have been kind enough to help provide a series of static website mirrors setup in case anything were to ever happen to the main servers. You can find them here: (this mirror is beautiful, but not currently updated)
One is able to get the full batch of texts from the library a la the torrent by using tools for recursive downloading like wget for Linux, although we are unaware of any tools like this existing on Windoze.
How to help:
And on a closing note, the library is interested in searching out anarchist libraries IRL or AFK. While Infoshops are grand and play a vital role in the community, we are really looking for actual libraries or special collections that contain anarchist history. If you are aware of any anarchist special collections in the world please do let us know or help edit the wiki page on this subject (does a resource like this already exist?). It would be interesting information for those interested in research and finding lost gems in the anarchist canon on their travels.
Here is a 4 step crash course in how you can help the library as well-
The Libraries:
the Swedish library: (93 texts)
the German library: (268 texts)
the Spanish library: (403 texts) also on GNU Social:
the Serbo-Croatian library: (400 texts)
the Macedonian library: (119 texts)
the Finnish library: (160 texts)
the Russian library: (354 texts)
the English library: (2,436 texts)
END ANNOUNCEMENT _____________________________________________________________________
July 2015 news
Over the past months the library project has seen, along with a constant flow of new additions, the birth of two new libraries: the swedish library and the german library. You can see the full list of libraries in the navigation bar under “Other languages”.
Also, the wiki (also known as the bookshelf) has been cleaned up and revamped. You can find it at Editing and creation of articles is open to anyone.
October 4, 2014: a shiny new library
The library has been upgraded, with a couple of notable improvements:
new mobile-friendly layout
enhanced bookbuilder
improved PDF style
The old files have been archived in a torrent release, which you can grab here: anarchist-libraries-2014-10-04.torrent.
The torrent ships the usual collection of ISO files, meant to be extracted or burned on a CD (for smaller libraries) or DVD and includes all the libraries (English, Spanish, Finnish, Macedonian, Serbo-Croatian, Russian).
April 2014
A lightweight torrent (English only, HTML + sources) has been hacked together. You can grab it here: theanarchistlibrary-en-2014-04-25.torrent.
The torrent doesn’t come from the library, but from reti
who wanted (and managed) to put it together. Thanks!
December 2013 update (2)
The bright side
The libraries have got a new mobile-friendly adaptive layout. Feedback welcome.
A technical tutorial about PDF compilation has been published at /special/recompile
The dark side
Sorry, but it looks like we are not able to bring the torrent distribution up for various reasons. If you are a torrent lover and want to set it up, providing the initial seeding with a properly set up router (port forwarding) or from a seedbox, and you know what we are talking about, please get in touch.
Sorry, but the network outages of the server are back again despite the work done. Please bookmark the mirrors below if you think you need the library always up.
December 2013 update
Since going live in 2009 with around 400 texts from different anarchist thinkers and their friends, the library of today now contains over 2,150 different titles. Recently, we have moved to a new server and updated some other aspects of the website. The Jabber chat server has closed and we have moved back to Internet Relay Chat (IRC). You can occasionally find us working over on the Freenode servers by pointing your preferred IRC client to:
channel: #anarchistlibrary
more info:
Feel free to drop by to discuss or help out with the project. One way to help the library is to take a look and see what is there. If you’re reading a text and come across some typos, you can help by fixing them. Perhaps you’re looking for a text by your favourite anarchist writer, but can’t find it on the library yet. Uploading new texts helps the library grow! It is important here to stress close attention to the guidelines and follow them (present a clean formatted text,etc).
Did you know that you can read the library in 6 different languages? Currently there are the English, Spanish, Serbo-Croatian, Finnish, Macedonian, and Russian libraries. Although, the Russian library is currently frozen and looking for new maintainers. There was also once a Hebrew library that never really took off. If you speak another language and are interested in starting a new library please contact us. It’s a lot of work and knowledge of computers is required, so serious offers only. We provide the code and space, you provide everything else.
If the library is ever down for some reason, you can also access the library via these mirrors (bookmark them, it could save your life):
-, kindly hosted by
-, kindly hosted by Bastard Archive
-, kindly hosted by
If you have the needed resources (about 4Gb of space and some bandwidth) and want to provide another mirror, feel free to contact us.
Some other interesting things to share about the project: Originally the website was built using the Drupal content management system (CMS), however soon was rebuilt using our homebrewed software, specifically designed to run a library. The code is freely available at
The libraries allow for the beautiful printing of texts that can be taken AFK and have been used in reading groups and shared with individuals all over. The English library has posted unreleased books and soon to be released books by authors like Bob Black’s “Nightmares of Reason” (2010) and more recently the first English language translations of Biófilo Panclasta (2013) to name a few.
It also contains many former hard to find anarchist texts like the recently published texts by Fredy Perlman and Black and Red Press Other journals and articles have been grabbed from not only all over the Internet, but many have made their digital debut on the library, with the help of a scanner, opitical character recognition, and editing. For example, the archive contains over 80 articles from “Anarchy: Journal of Desire Armed” dating from issue #23 up to #74, many of which were scanned and then uploaded for archival.
The library also contains a “book builder” feature that allows you to build a specific collection of texts and combine them into one, like a collection related to introducing anarchist thought. The wiki is still there and available for things like adding to the wish-list
August 18, 2013. Server up again
The libraries suffered (again) a couple of days of downtime due to various and still unclear technical issues, but we’re working on it.
Anyway, fear not. There are the following full and update mirrors running on other servers:
-, kindly hosted by
-, kindly hosted by Bastard Archive
They are synced on hourly basis and have exactly the same layout of the torrent distribution (a fresh torrent will be delivered in a couple of months): this means that they have all the formats, they are resonably searchable and browsable, but they are lacking the dynamic features like the full text search, the uploading, the editing and the book builder.
We hope to fix the issues soon.
If you have the needed resources (about 4Gb of space and some bandwidth) and want to provide another mirror, feel free to contact us.
June 20, 2012: Solidarity to the comrades struck by the operation “Ardire”
Here at the library we don’t usually publish such statements and communiques, mainly because there are plenty of other places where solidarity can be expressed. Anyway, this time we want to express our unconditional solidarity to the comrades struck by the repression in Italy and elsewhere, following the shooting of Adinolfi.
We are disgusted by the behaviour of the various organizations which chose to distance themselves from the “violent ones”, starting a media campaign to “wash” their precious acronym and their precious ideology.
Needless to say, we are disgusted by the state, which opened the hunt to the (“evil”) anarchist.
marco -AT-
erika -AT-
aleksa.golijanin -AT-
Ben Swart bswart100 -AT-
P.S. Please refer to Contra Info for more news and updates.
May 25, 2012: Torrent released
Underneath the Library 2012, the Torrent + other notes
The Anarchist Library has grown greatly in the past three years and with that we would like to announce the release of a brand new torrent for the project, along with some other notes. The torrent can be downloaded here and if you are able to seed it, please do. It is a collection of four ISO files with each meant to be burned to a separate DVD / CD.
Inside the torrent you will find the entire collection of works currently found on the library of not only the English language library, but also of the Finnish, Russian and Serbo-Croatian anarchist libraries. Please refer to the README file included for instructions.
Inside the Library
Of note, the url scheme has changed, but backward compatibility has been kept, so we believe that existing links will still work. If you want to upload or edit a text, the markup used has also changed. It’s described in depth in the fine manual. If you upload a new text you’ll find a WYSIWYG editor which supports pasting from Office-like programs and browsers, without losing the markup in the way. The text will be automatically converted in the new markup but mistakes can be made so please review your marked up document.
The link About the project has also been slightly changed and is worth another read if you are interested in helping. If you have feedback or have a favorite anarchist author or text who you don’t see on the library please feel free make it happen. Often, some librarians are also available for comments/help on XMPP. You can also reach the chat server through your browser at /special/webchat
Thanks for reading.
Announcing a new feature: the book builder
June 25, 2011
Starting today, the library offers a new feature: the book builder. You can collect as many articles and texts as you want, and have them packed in a single PDF, with custom format and fonts, for printing or even for reading on screen. The feature is described in depth here: Book Builder (if you’re going to use it, please read it).
The service is experimental, so you are encouraged to report any problem you may encounter and to let us know your needs (see for contacts).
To celebrate, we have refined the look of the library.
P.S. The torrent is still available here
Spring ’11
April 4, 2011
Spring has come and it’s time for a new torrent bundle. Get it here:
The torrent ships a DVD with a full mirror of the library, including source, code, everything at all (about 1500 texts), packed in an ISO image (2.1 Gb). See this page if you need help:
This release features some improvements, which reflect the changes on the site over these months:
the PDF design slightly changed. Their quality has been boosted, and the plain A4 and the plain letter paper formats now actually ship a A5 and half letter paper, so they can printed side by side. See if you feel lost
there is an experimental “reverse citation” search on each page (bottom right of the HTML page for each text), which will try to find who cited or referred that text. From there you can then refine the results. On the DVD the links point to the site, as the Edit and Search links. So hopefully if you find problems you’ll come back to us and help fix them.
The Anarchist Library on Torrent released!
October 5, 2010
The library is pleased to announce that a set of 2 CD-ROM images is available for download via BitTorrent. Grab it here:
The images (one for A4 and one for letter paper) can be burned on a physical CD for distribution, or simply extracted on your hard-drive to be browsed. They contain a full mirror of this site as seen on October 1st, 2010, featuring the new EPUB format for mobile devices and many, many improvements.
More about this release here:
This is the 3rd torrent we release. Feel free to let the outdated ones die.
Please be patient during the download and keep seeding.
1000! (and other interesting news)
The ever symbolic milestone of 1,000 texts has been reached, and there is still no end in sight. While the quality of texts varies, you can help improve the texts you love by clicking on “Edit” and fixing them. No user registration is required (but you’re encouraged to leave a real mail, so we can contact you).
The “official” channel to meet, help, and discuss with the librarians has moved from SILC to IRC. You can join us at port 6697, SSL only (check the relevant options in your client of choice). The channel used is #library. There are plenty of clients out there. Pidgin is widely used if you need something free and user-friendly.
Announcing The Anarchist Library on torrent (March 2010)
A new version of the Library on .torrent (what’s this?) has been released.
Download TheAnarchistLibrary-2010-02-24.torrent (magnet link)
Thanks to for seeding and tracking
The size of the archive, which is a full mirror of the site (executable excluded), is about 1.1 Gb.
Please be patient during the download and don’t forget to seed (sensible ratio should be 1:1)
Of course the site will continue to be updated. Stay tuned!