#title Initiative for a South Asian Anarchist Library #author Southeast Asian Anarchist Librarian #date 3 January 2025 #cat ToDo #lang en #pubdate 2025-01-03T06:57:38 *** Original Call (September 2023) Note: [[https://shh.anarchyplanet.org/node/67][This is the original call made on 2023 on shh.anarchyplanet.org]]. Anarchism in South Asia is slowly and steadily rising. There are groups and individuals in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Anarchist texts in South Asian languages have been written and translated, but there is not yet a place to compile these. Like Southeast Asia, South Asia has more languages than nation-states. Like the Southeast Asian Anarchist Library, it would make sense to make a diverse multi-lingual library rather than separate small libraries for each language which might have only very few texts each. Now I am not from South Asia, I am from Southeast Asia. I cannot maintain a South Asian anarchist library in languages I am not literate in. So I am calling on anarchists from or in South Asia and literate in South Asian languages to initiate a South Asian Anarchist Library. What is needed? 1. A translation of the user interface into South Asian languages 1. A willingness to learn the various AmuseWiki modules and Muse markup language 1. Access to anarchist texts and translations in South Asian languages 1. Being embedded in the international anarchist milieu in South Asia If you’re up for this, reach out to the folks behind the Anarchist Library. We have an Asian anarchist libraries chat on the [[https://matrix.to/#/#asianlibraries:riot.anarchyplanet.org][Anarchy Planet matrix]]. You can also reach out to the general [[https://irc.anarchyplanet.org/#library][Anarchist Library IRC]]. *** Updates (3 January 2025) Since 2023, we’ve had several false starts in developing a South Asian anarchist library. However we have had some progress. Contact us in the [[https://matrix.to/#/#asianlibraries:riot.anarchyplanet.org][Asian Libraries matrix chat]] for more details. 1. **Subdomain**. The proposed subdomain of the South Asian Anarchist Library is to be **=begumpura.theanarchistlibrary.org=**, with *begumpura* referring to a utopian ideal in Indian antiquity that is similar to anarchism. Through discussions, this was deemed an acceptable compromise to avoid colonial or ethnonationalist designations. This, however, is not final and can still be modified should a dedicated team from South Asia take up the task of starting the library. 2. **Interface**. Ultimately, the translation of the interface can be done later (see [[https://bookshelf.theanarchistlibrary.org/library/librarian-how-to-create-new-language-sections-of-the-library-en][**How to: The Anarchist Library in different languages**]]). Since English is already a South Asian language (even if not an indigenous one), it can serve as the initial interface. a. **Translating the interface**. See [[https://amusewiki.org/library/translating-the-interface#toc7][the AMuseWiki manual page on translating the interface]] for details on how to translate the interface. You’ll have to learn how to use =Poedit=. a. **Typographical rules for target language**. You are the one literate in your language so you’ll have to provide some code to determine the typographical rules of your language. 3. **Texts**. New librarians need to find source texts to upload to the South Asian anarchist library. You’ll also need to familiarize yourself with the AMUse markup used by AMuseWiki in the [[https://amusewiki.org/library/manual][manual]] to learn how to upload texts. a. One good source of initial texts to upload is [[https://olebirklaursen.wordpress.com/miscellaneous/][Ole Birk Laursen’s archive for M.P.T. Acharya]]. These can be transcribed and then uploaded as MUSE markup for the library. a. You should also source texts from whatever South Asian language you are literate in, whether that be in Urdu or whatever language. Several anarchists across the subcontinent already produce translations and original texts. These can be used for the library. 3. **Logo**. You would need to source a logo for the South Asian anarchist library. Us in the Asian Libraries chat can possibly find you an artist if you can’t find one yourselef. 4. **Infrastructure**. The Anarchist Library and Anarchy Planet can provide the infrastructure for hosting the South Asian Anarchist Library. Contact us in the [[https://matrix.to/#/#asianlibraries:riot.anarchyplanet.org][Asian Libraries matrix chat]] for more details.